How to Tell if You Need a Copywriter – 8 Signs

A good copywriter’s job is to create connections through the careful disposition of words. It’s a skill that requires good writing, storytelling and understanding of human behaviour. 

Many business and website owners don’t know they need these traits of a copywriter. But the production of great content needs good writing – and good writing isn’t easy or a quick fix solution.  

To help get your brand’s message across, there’s value in finding the right copywriter to be part of your creative team. 

Unsure if you need a copywriter for a one-off or long-term project? Here are 8 reasons why you might need a professional copywriter’s expertise. 

1. You’re Short on Time

One of the main reasons business owners hire a copywriter is a time shortage. 

There’s a lot involved in writing content that engages the masses. Research. Creative juices. Brainpower. Optimising for your audience and Google. Editing. When you engage with a copywriter, you’ll have more time to focus on running a business.

2. You Have a Website or Need Blog Management 

A website without scroll-worthy content is like designing a house without a blueprint. 

In today’s fast-paced, digitally focused world, successful businesses need a website with killer content to get noticed. People don’t visit a site for design. Aesthetics matter. But audiences are hungry for web copy that solves their problems.

Writing good content is one thing. Finding the time to consistently publish web copy is another. Fortunately, blog management is a long-term resource to keep your audience coming back and hook new readers in. 

Websites benefit from regular content (1-2 articles per month) and a plan in place. A content strategy outlining keyword phrases (so your content is found), search intent (to check you know how and what your audience are searching for) and article topics (with headings run through CoSchedule for maximum impact). 


3. You’re Hiring 

Nothing is worse for your brand’s first online impression than an incomprehensible job post. 

Effective writing enhances your business’s image. It shouts quality because anything less is a waste of time. A professional copywriter will have work completed promptly and make sure the copy is free from common mistakes missed by the untrained eye. 

4. Being a Good Writer isn’t the Same as Being a Good Copywriter  

We can all write, right?

Many people consider themselves as articulate, coherent communicators who have built a business through skill, knowledge and the ability to string a sentence or two together.  

You’re a business owner highly experienced in what you do. 

But if you’re not a professional copywriter, then it’s time to find the right freelance copywriter in Perth for your content needs. 

Contact me to see if we’re a good fit

5. To Deliver on a Claim

Copywriters write everything from web copy and articles to ad copy, social media posts and e-newsletters. 

If you promise your customers exclusive tips and updates via your e-news – you must deliver. A copywriter can help you produce on such claims, so your readers have access to relevant and educational copy-bites. 

6. There’s a Logo, but no Conversation

A brand is more than a well-designed logo. It’s a conversation, a story with real-life characters and personality. To thrive, it needs authentic words drenched in your brand’s style and character. 

Brand language is most powerful when there’s consistency. This is what develops trust, loyalty and a sense of familiarity with your customers. By working with a professional copywriter, you keep the voice of your business integrated, tenacious and fresh. Read Neil Patel’s tips on how to use SEO to build your brand.

7. You Only Promote Your Business Rather Than Your Solutions

People who search on the net are seeking information. 

Your content must speak to the reader’s needs and answer their questions. To reach them, promote what problems your business solves before how good your business is.

Value, solutions and benefits sell. 

It’s a balance beam of storytelling and linguistics, and copywriters are the Olympic pros when it comes to the perfect landing page. 


8. You Have Competitors 

A little competition is healthy and every business has competitors in their field. A good copywriter won’t make them disappear. What we will do is, make your business more appealing with web copy that highlights your distinctive qualities.  

Need a copywriter? Professional copywriters will ask a lot of (and somewhat annoying) questions, but they’ll listen to your business vision, goals and unique angles to capture the essence of your story. These words are researched and crafted for web copy, blog management and outreach articles to access a wider audience, build your website’s organic traffic and position your business as a thought-leader in the industry. 

View my portfolio or learn more about Jayde Walker – the Perth-based Copywriter behind the little typewriter.

2 Responses
  1. Colton Johnson

    I’m striving to improve my business’s online presence.

    I need to hire a content writer, perhaps two, and I have turned to sites like Fiverr and Upwork since the writers come with reviews, set prices, and I can tell when they’re active & working or not.

    There’s a LOT of subpar content writers out there. And I don’t just mean the kinds charging third-world rates for their content, even some of the higher priced ones produce the same quality of content, maybe less. How do I know which ones are genuinely good? Is it just trial and error?

    Who would you go with ? Because my inclination is the content writer charging more probably has a superior knowledge of what they’re doing and what relevance they’re bringing to the table, but I need to reposition my finances if that’s the case.


    C.J. out.

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